2019 南方獎-全球華人影片競賽
南方首獎 SOUTH Award
《看無風景》My father at Grandma’s Funeral
詹博鈞 Bo Jyun JHAN
臺灣Taiwan│2019│動畫Ani│12min│彩色 Color│無對白No Dialogue
臺灣Taiwan│2019│動畫Ani│12min│彩色 Color│無對白No Dialogue
Synopsis ---
The child went to the father’s home village for the first time to attend grandma’s funeral with his family. However, his mother left the funeral after having arguments with the father’s family. The father and the child stayed at the funeral alone to tackle the unfriendliness of the father’s family and the death of grandma. In the end, the father and the child can only stay at the riverbank when grandma was buried far, far away in the watermelon farm. That was the first time the child saw his father’s tears.
The child went to the father’s home village for the first time to attend grandma’s funeral with his family. However, his mother left the funeral after having arguments with the father’s family. The father and the child stayed at the funeral alone to tackle the unfriendliness of the father’s family and the death of grandma. In the end, the father and the child can only stay at the riverbank when grandma was buried far, far away in the watermelon farm. That was the first time the child saw his father’s tears.
最佳劇情長片獎 Best Feature Award
《你和我》For Izzy
朱觀屏 Alex CHU
美國USA│2018│劇情Fic│84min│彩色Color│英文、粵語發音English, Cantonese│中英字幕English Subtitle
美國USA│2018│劇情Fic│84min│彩色Color│英文、粵語發音English, Cantonese│中英字幕English Subtitle
Synopsis ---
FOR IZZY tracks what happens after a retired divorcee, Anna, and her queer daughter, Dede, struggling with addiction and heartbreak move next door to a lonely widowed father, Peter, and his autistic adult daughter, Laura. Anna, a burnt out investment banker who feels cheated by time and parenthood, finds a companion in Peter, a lonely accountant whose life revolves around his only daughter Laura. Their unexpected romance brings lightness and energy back into their lives, a second chance.
FOR IZZY tracks what happens after a retired divorcee, Anna, and her queer daughter, Dede, struggling with addiction and heartbreak move next door to a lonely widowed father, Peter, and his autistic adult daughter, Laura. Anna, a burnt out investment banker who feels cheated by time and parenthood, finds a companion in Peter, a lonely accountant whose life revolves around his only daughter Laura. Their unexpected romance brings lightness and energy back into their lives, a second chance.
最佳劇情短片獎 Best Fiction Short Award
《紅棗薏米花生》3 Generations 3 Days
朱凱濙 Hoi Ying CHU
香港Hong Kong│2019│劇情Fic│20min│彩色Color│粵語發音Cantonese│中英字幕English Subtitle
香港Hong Kong│2019│劇情Fic│20min│彩色Color│粵語發音Cantonese│中英字幕English Subtitle
Synopsis ---
Ching is asked to take care of her grandmother who has arrived at Hong Kong from mainland China and is to be admitted into a nursing home soon. During the three days, she and her grandmother spend time together, she learns more about her grandmother and how the past has shaped her mother with whom she finds difficult to communicate. The three women from different generations each has her own share of pain in striving to survive and fulfilling commitments in life. With her new insight, Ching is inspired to re-examine her relationship with her mother.
Ching is asked to take care of her grandmother who has arrived at Hong Kong from mainland China and is to be admitted into a nursing home soon. During the three days, she and her grandmother spend time together, she learns more about her grandmother and how the past has shaped her mother with whom she finds difficult to communicate. The three women from different generations each has her own share of pain in striving to survive and fulfilling commitments in life. With her new insight, Ching is inspired to re-examine her relationship with her mother.
最佳紀錄片獎 Best Documentary Award
《還有一些樹》The Tree Remembers
廖克發 Kek Huat LAU
臺灣Taiwan│2019│紀錄Doc│108min│彩色、黑白Color,BW│中、英文、原住民語Mandarin, English, Orang Asli│中英字幕English Subtitle
臺灣Taiwan│2019│紀錄Doc│108min│彩色、黑白Color,BW│中、英文、原住民語Mandarin, English, Orang Asli│中英字幕English Subtitle
「斧頭所遺忘的,樹木會記得。」今天的馬來西亞,由於種族政策的原因,種族依然可以造成人與人之間仇恨和隔閡的原因。《還有一些樹》從一封來自1969年信開始追溯,在信封上發現一個由四種語言寫著的警告「不准散播謠言」。1969年是這個謠言的開始 – 也是馬來西亞以種族為名的暴力和歧視政策的起點。本片從獨立前的原住民被奴役的黑暗歷史,直到1969年513的種族衝突事件。《還有一些樹》紀錄了這些人不被談及和允許的記憶。
Synopsis ---
Derived from the proverb "What the axe forget, the tree remembers", presents the current situation in Malaysia whereas the racial policy is still practised in Malaysia and the victims forced to have remained in silence.
This film tackles the origin of racism in Malaysia and the taboo of racial riot in 1969.
Derived from the proverb "What the axe forget, the tree remembers", presents the current situation in Malaysia whereas the racial policy is still practised in Malaysia and the victims forced to have remained in silence.
This film tackles the origin of racism in Malaysia and the taboo of racial riot in 1969.
最佳實驗片獎 Best Experimental Award
《飛的修羅場》 A Study of Fly
劉行欣 Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin LIU
美國USA│2018│實驗Exp│13min│彩色Color│無對白No Dialogue
美國USA│2018│實驗Exp│13min│彩色Color│無對白No Dialogue
Synopsis ---
The fly in this film can be approached as a living being, a metaphor for human desire to reach beyond, and a state that demonstrates the capacity to move between the realms of life and death.Employing artifacts from hand-processing, A Study of Fly is a reflection on the relationship between insect, human, environment, and the universe.
The fly in this film can be approached as a living being, a metaphor for human desire to reach beyond, and a state that demonstrates the capacity to move between the realms of life and death.Employing artifacts from hand-processing, A Study of Fly is a reflection on the relationship between insect, human, environment, and the universe.
南方新人獎 Rookie of the Year Award
《美芳》 Liu A, Sing A, and Bi Hong
蔡慈庭 Tsu Ting TSHUA
臺灣Taiwan│2018│劇情Fic│49min│彩色Color│臺語發音Taiwanese│中英文字幕English Subtitle
臺灣Taiwan│2018│劇情Fic│49min│彩色Color│臺語發音Taiwanese│中英文字幕English Subtitle
Synopsis ---
The tinkling sound of the wind chimes, the soothing harmonica, and the sudden thundershower in the afternoon.These were what Liu A’s summer made out of. The Kua-á-hì stage at the temple yard, the unknown photographer, the excitement of debut, and the bittersweet harmonica. These were what Sing A’s summer made out of. The scattered hair and dance moves, the drifting raft by the lake, and the boisterous feast of the full moon. These were what Bi Hong’s summer made out of.
The tinkling sound of the wind chimes, the soothing harmonica, and the sudden thundershower in the afternoon.These were what Liu A’s summer made out of. The Kua-á-hì stage at the temple yard, the unknown photographer, the excitement of debut, and the bittersweet harmonica. These were what Sing A’s summer made out of. The scattered hair and dance moves, the drifting raft by the lake, and the boisterous feast of the full moon. These were what Bi Hong’s summer made out of.
勇於創新獎 Path-Breaker Award
《工寮》 Hut
蘇育賢 Yu Hen SO
臺灣Taiwan│2018│紀錄Doc│54min│彩色Color│印度語發音Indonesian│中英字幕English Subtitle
臺灣Taiwan│2018│紀錄Doc│54min│彩色Color│印度語發音Indonesian│中英字幕English Subtitle
Synopsis ---
H is a migrant worker from Indonesia like wandering around and he already ran away for over a year. He built a temporary hut on his ex-employer’s farmland. He took his friend R in the shelter who ran away from metal processing factory and almost got caught when working in a tea plantation. Because of that R rarely steps outside the hut. Tonight, H receives a phone call from his friend T. She said she runs away from fruit processing factory and will come over with her friend B who also ran away from the auto-parts factory. Later the night, run away housekeeper E and D who run away from screw factory appear in the hut. In the same night, the hut of H already becomes well-known.
H is a migrant worker from Indonesia like wandering around and he already ran away for over a year. He built a temporary hut on his ex-employer’s farmland. He took his friend R in the shelter who ran away from metal processing factory and almost got caught when working in a tea plantation. Because of that R rarely steps outside the hut. Tonight, H receives a phone call from his friend T. She said she runs away from fruit processing factory and will come over with her friend B who also ran away from the auto-parts factory. Later the night, run away housekeeper E and D who run away from screw factory appear in the hut. In the same night, the hut of H already becomes well-known.
人權關懷獎 Human Rights Award
《狂飆一夢》 The Price of Democracy
廖建華 Jian Hua LIAO
臺灣Taiwan│2019│紀錄Doc│91min│彩色Color│中文、臺語發音Mandarin, Taiwanese│中英字幕English Subtitle
臺灣Taiwan│2019│紀錄Doc│91min│彩色Color│中文、臺語發音Mandarin, Taiwanese│中英字幕English Subtitle
Synopsis ---
The expressions of democratization are usually interpreted by elites from two different parties but neglect the real faces/ life of every individual among the resistance rally. The director (a confused twenty-something) looks back upon the 40-year-history of democratization of Taiwan through the life experiences of two old-timers (who are grass-root rebels). He attempts to discover what causes their actions and decisions to be lefties, and what are their limitations.
The expressions of democratization are usually interpreted by elites from two different parties but neglect the real faces/ life of every individual among the resistance rally. The director (a confused twenty-something) looks back upon the 40-year-history of democratization of Taiwan through the life experiences of two old-timers (who are grass-root rebels). He attempts to discover what causes their actions and decisions to be lefties, and what are their limitations.
台南影像獎 Citizen TAINAN Award
《令》 The Calling
周嘉賢 Chia Hsien CHUO
臺灣Taiwan│2019│劇情Fic│25min│彩色Color│中文、臺語發音Mandarin,Taiwanese│中英文字幕English Subtitle
臺灣Taiwan│2019│劇情Fic│25min│彩色Color│中文、臺語發音Mandarin,Taiwanese│中英文字幕English Subtitle
在家將團擔任文差的定祐,高中剛畢業,卻在眾人的期望與自己的夢想衝突中徘徊。 心中一直有著夢想,礙於父親希望他能上國立大學的期望,從未跟父親提起。突然,他得到參加藝術大學獨招的機會,但這時間卡到出陣時間;而他混亂的思緒也阻礙了他接收神旨的能力。 雖然好友不斷鼓勵,但仍必須自己去解決屬於他與神明及父親的問題。
Synopsis ---
Ding-You, who plays the role of civil messenger in his GENERAL CLUB, is greatly troubled by the conflict of his family’s expectation and his own dream after high school. Although he has always wanted to study art but he has never told his father about it because his father expects him to study in a national university. He got a chance to interview for an art school’s admission but it clashed with their procession date. What’s worse was that his disturbed mind has impeded his ability to invoke his god.
Despite of his friend’s constant support, he must deal with the problem among his father, his god and himself.
Ding-You, who plays the role of civil messenger in his GENERAL CLUB, is greatly troubled by the conflict of his family’s expectation and his own dream after high school. Although he has always wanted to study art but he has never told his father about it because his father expects him to study in a national university. He got a chance to interview for an art school’s admission but it clashed with their procession date. What’s worse was that his disturbed mind has impeded his ability to invoke his god.
Despite of his friend’s constant support, he must deal with the problem among his father, his god and himself.
Vertical Divider
2019 南方影展 全球華人影片競賽 入圍名單
South Award Nomination
South Award Nomination
劇情長片 Feature Length Fiction
《你和我 For Izzy》
朱觀屏 Alex Chu / 美國 U.S.A.
《無法辯護 The Defender》
曹仕翰 Shih Han TSAO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《廣場 Square》
咖容琳娜.布瑞秋拉 Karolina Breguła / 臺灣、波蘭 Taiwan,Polska
《女人就是女人 A Woman Is A Woman》
孫明希 Maisy Goosy SUEN /香港 Hong Kong
朱觀屏 Alex Chu / 美國 U.S.A.
《無法辯護 The Defender》
曹仕翰 Shih Han TSAO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《廣場 Square》
咖容琳娜.布瑞秋拉 Karolina Breguła / 臺灣、波蘭 Taiwan,Polska
《女人就是女人 A Woman Is A Woman》
孫明希 Maisy Goosy SUEN /香港 Hong Kong
劇情短片 Fiction short
《BLOCK A-2-15》
溫駿業 Jun Yap WON / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
《楔子 Till next Time》
黃芝嘉 Paulie Huang Chih-Chia /臺灣 Taiwan
《紅尼羅 Nile Red》
鄭宇成 Yu Shing CHENG / 香港、臺灣 Hong Kong,Taiwan
《仙人掌 Cactus》
莊世圖 Chong Sai TO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《美麗天生 CODA》
李湘郡 Hsiang Chun LEE / 臺灣 Taiwan
《定風波 Ding Feng Po》
陳上城 Sheung Shing CHAN / 香港 Hong Kong
《無聊電影 A Pointless Film》
曠思慧 Si Hui KUANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《那日上午 That Morning》
黃瑋納 Wai Nap WONG / 香港 Hong Kong
《紅棗薏米花生 3 Generations 3 Days》
朱凱濙 Hoi Ying CHU / 香港 Hong Kong
《美芳 Liu A, Sing A, and Bi Hong》
蔡慈庭 Tsu Ting TSHUA / 臺灣 Taiwan
溫駿業 Jun Yap WON / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
《楔子 Till next Time》
黃芝嘉 Paulie Huang Chih-Chia /臺灣 Taiwan
《紅尼羅 Nile Red》
鄭宇成 Yu Shing CHENG / 香港、臺灣 Hong Kong,Taiwan
《仙人掌 Cactus》
莊世圖 Chong Sai TO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《美麗天生 CODA》
李湘郡 Hsiang Chun LEE / 臺灣 Taiwan
《定風波 Ding Feng Po》
陳上城 Sheung Shing CHAN / 香港 Hong Kong
《無聊電影 A Pointless Film》
曠思慧 Si Hui KUANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《那日上午 That Morning》
黃瑋納 Wai Nap WONG / 香港 Hong Kong
《紅棗薏米花生 3 Generations 3 Days》
朱凱濙 Hoi Ying CHU / 香港 Hong Kong
《美芳 Liu A, Sing A, and Bi Hong》
蔡慈庭 Tsu Ting TSHUA / 臺灣 Taiwan
紀錄片 Documentary
《漂流廚房 Homesick Tongue》
陳惠萍 Hui Ping CHEN / 臺灣 Taiwan
《牙齒與舌頭 You and me》
蕭凱慈 Kai Tzu HSIAO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《棉花 The Melancholy of Gods》
李卓媚 Cheok Mei LEI / 澳門 Macau
《還有一些樹 The Tree Remembers》
廖克發 Kek Huat LAU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《一部關於我過去22年生活的私人電影 A Personal Film about My Past 22 Years》
方天宇 Frank FANG / 中國 China
《工寮 Hut》
蘇育賢 Yu Hen SO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《風鈴 Wind Bell》
洪瑞發Jui Fa HUNG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《完美現在時 Present.Perfect. 》
朱聲仄 Shengze ZHU /美國、香港 U.S.A. , Hong Kong
陳惠萍 Hui Ping CHEN / 臺灣 Taiwan
《牙齒與舌頭 You and me》
蕭凱慈 Kai Tzu HSIAO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《棉花 The Melancholy of Gods》
李卓媚 Cheok Mei LEI / 澳門 Macau
《還有一些樹 The Tree Remembers》
廖克發 Kek Huat LAU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《一部關於我過去22年生活的私人電影 A Personal Film about My Past 22 Years》
方天宇 Frank FANG / 中國 China
《工寮 Hut》
蘇育賢 Yu Hen SO / 臺灣 Taiwan
《風鈴 Wind Bell》
洪瑞發Jui Fa HUNG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《完美現在時 Present.Perfect. 》
朱聲仄 Shengze ZHU /美國、香港 U.S.A. , Hong Kong
實驗片 Experimental
《飛的修羅場 A Study of Fly》
劉行欣 Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin LIU /美國 U.S.A.
《人民廣場 Plaza Rakyat》
王紹凱 Sau Kai ONG / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
《大象村 Kampung Gajah》
楊國鴻 Yoeng Kuok HONG /臺灣、馬來西亞 Taiwan, Malaysia
《信使 - 返向漂流與南洋彼岸
Nanyang Express : Trans-drifting and South Sea Crossing》
林羿綺 Yi Chi LIN / 臺灣 Taiwan
《邊界計畫 The Boundaries》
龍淼淵Miao Yuan LONG / 中國 China
《閃回真實 Flashback Real》
張凱翔 Kai Hsiang CHANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《組合:模型:時空玩具 Building Blocks》
黃頌恩 Chung Yan WONG / 香港 Hong Kong
劉行欣 Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin LIU /美國 U.S.A.
《人民廣場 Plaza Rakyat》
王紹凱 Sau Kai ONG / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
《大象村 Kampung Gajah》
楊國鴻 Yoeng Kuok HONG /臺灣、馬來西亞 Taiwan, Malaysia
《信使 - 返向漂流與南洋彼岸
Nanyang Express : Trans-drifting and South Sea Crossing》
林羿綺 Yi Chi LIN / 臺灣 Taiwan
《邊界計畫 The Boundaries》
龍淼淵Miao Yuan LONG / 中國 China
《閃回真實 Flashback Real》
張凱翔 Kai Hsiang CHANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《組合:模型:時空玩具 Building Blocks》
黃頌恩 Chung Yan WONG / 香港 Hong Kong
動畫片 Animation
《De Novo》
蘇暐絜 Wei Jie SU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《地下鐵通勤 Subway Commute》
徐國峰 Redic HSU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《多幾咧? Do-ji-le? 》
楊子新 Cindy YANG / 臺灣、美國 Taiwan, U.S.A.
《鳥 Bird》
張吾青 Wu Ching CHANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《陪我,拜託 Please Stay with Me》
陳逸璇 Shan CHEN / 臺灣Taiwan
《Puppy Love》
陳怡聞 I Wen CHEN / 臺灣Taiwan
My father at grandma’s funeral》
詹博鈞 Bo Jyun JHAN / 臺灣Taiwan
《陽明山 Yangmingshan》
楊鎬維 Johnny YANG / 臺灣Taiwan
《黃苦瓜 Wong, Bitter Gourd》
黃榮俊 Weng Chon WONG / 澳門 Macau
《再留一晚 Stay One More Night》
陳郁宜Yu I CHEN / 臺灣Taiwan
《山雞 Suann Ke》
周子羣 Tzu Chun CHOU / 臺灣Taiwan
蘇暐絜 Wei Jie SU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《地下鐵通勤 Subway Commute》
徐國峰 Redic HSU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《多幾咧? Do-ji-le? 》
楊子新 Cindy YANG / 臺灣、美國 Taiwan, U.S.A.
《鳥 Bird》
張吾青 Wu Ching CHANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《陪我,拜託 Please Stay with Me》
陳逸璇 Shan CHEN / 臺灣Taiwan
《Puppy Love》
陳怡聞 I Wen CHEN / 臺灣Taiwan
My father at grandma’s funeral》
詹博鈞 Bo Jyun JHAN / 臺灣Taiwan
《陽明山 Yangmingshan》
楊鎬維 Johnny YANG / 臺灣Taiwan
《黃苦瓜 Wong, Bitter Gourd》
黃榮俊 Weng Chon WONG / 澳門 Macau
《再留一晚 Stay One More Night》
陳郁宜Yu I CHEN / 臺灣Taiwan
《山雞 Suann Ke》
周子羣 Tzu Chun CHOU / 臺灣Taiwan
人權關懷獎 Human Rights Award
《還有一些樹 The Tree Remembers》
廖克發 Kek Huat LAU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《前進 The Age of Awakening》
柯金源 Chin Yuan KE / 臺灣 Taiwan
《狂飆一夢 The Price of Democracy》
廖建華 Jian-hua LIAO / 臺灣 Taiwan
廖克發 Kek Huat LAU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《前進 The Age of Awakening》
柯金源 Chin Yuan KE / 臺灣 Taiwan
《狂飆一夢 The Price of Democracy》
廖建華 Jian-hua LIAO / 臺灣 Taiwan
台南影像獎 Citizen TAINAN Award
《她的城南舊事 Granny》
劉芷伶 Zhi Ling LIU / 臺灣 Taiwan
An Adventure of A HK Girl in Taiwan》
黃虹棋 Hung Chi HUANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《匡,無框 The Kuang has no frame》
匡瀅錡 Ying Chi KUANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《單車之道 Bike in Tainan》
藍志明 Chih Ming LAN / 臺灣 Taiwan
《令 The Calling》
周嘉賢 Chia Hsien CHOU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《遇栫 The Encounter Story》
邱昱絜 Yu Chieh CHIU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《Alpha Beta Gamma》
謝雅妍 Nga In TSE / 臺灣 Taiwan
劉芷伶 Zhi Ling LIU / 臺灣 Taiwan
An Adventure of A HK Girl in Taiwan》
黃虹棋 Hung Chi HUANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《匡,無框 The Kuang has no frame》
匡瀅錡 Ying Chi KUANG / 臺灣 Taiwan
《單車之道 Bike in Tainan》
藍志明 Chih Ming LAN / 臺灣 Taiwan
《令 The Calling》
周嘉賢 Chia Hsien CHOU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《遇栫 The Encounter Story》
邱昱絜 Yu Chieh CHIU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《Alpha Beta Gamma》
謝雅妍 Nga In TSE / 臺灣 Taiwan
評審名單 (初審評審各類由一位外聘評審與南方影展策展人組成)