2018 南方獎-全球華人影片競賽
南方首獎 SOUTH Award
《街頭》 The Edge of Night
江偉華 CHIANG Wei Hua
臺灣 Taiwan│2018│紀錄 Doc│124min
臺灣 Taiwan│2018│紀錄 Doc│124min
On a cold night, January 2009, Sheng-Han and his friends left the Liberty Square, their sites of protest against the state authority during the past two months. It was a movement without achieving any goals.
Five years later, the Sunflower Student Movement occupied the Legislative Yuan. For Sheng-Han and his partners, they refused to be stuck in the dead-end situation again. Thus, at the sixth night of the movement, they attacked on the Executive Yuan with thousands of protesters for raising the level of resistance. However, they were forced to facing the violence of state power. After tonight, he was again enrolled in the endless emotional trauma by activism
On a cold night, January 2009, Sheng-Han and his friends left the Liberty Square, their sites of protest against the state authority during the past two months. It was a movement without achieving any goals.
Five years later, the Sunflower Student Movement occupied the Legislative Yuan. For Sheng-Han and his partners, they refused to be stuck in the dead-end situation again. Thus, at the sixth night of the movement, they attacked on the Executive Yuan with thousands of protesters for raising the level of resistance. However, they were forced to facing the violence of state power. After tonight, he was again enrolled in the endless emotional trauma by activism
最佳劇情長片獎 Best Feature Film
《中英街1號 No. 1 》Chung Ying Street
趙崇基 Derek CHIU
香港 Hong Kong│2018│劇情 Fic│118min
香港 Hong Kong│2018│劇情 Fic│118min
Set against the backdrop of the 1967 anti-British riot, “No. 1 Chung Ying Street” looks to both the past and the future of Hong Kong. Divided into two parts, the story first follows four youngsters who are caught up in the large-scale riot between the pro-communist left wingers and the British colonial government. Fast forward 50 years, the second part takes place along the frontier border town Sha Tau Kok. It is here three Hong Kong freedom fighters cross paths with an old man from the 1967 riot.
Set against the backdrop of the 1967 anti-British riot, “No. 1 Chung Ying Street” looks to both the past and the future of Hong Kong. Divided into two parts, the story first follows four youngsters who are caught up in the large-scale riot between the pro-communist left wingers and the British colonial government. Fast forward 50 years, the second part takes place along the frontier border town Sha Tau Kok. It is here three Hong Kong freedom fighters cross paths with an old man from the 1967 riot.
最佳劇情短片獎 Best Short Film
《母親的樂園》Mother Eden
王爾卓 WANG Er Zhuo
中國 China│2018│劇情 Fic│28min
中國 China│2018│劇情 Fic│28min
The story tells about a female teacher’s life in a small city in China. Today’s China has already past the time of the Red Revolutions. Those idealistic students from the 80s were reaching their middle age, accepting their ordinary life. Ms Yao was one of them. Recently in the school there were two teachers who had an affair and eloped together. It made Ms Yao remind of her own life.
The story tells about a female teacher’s life in a small city in China. Today’s China has already past the time of the Red Revolutions. Those idealistic students from the 80s were reaching their middle age, accepting their ordinary life. Ms Yao was one of them. Recently in the school there were two teachers who had an affair and eloped together. It made Ms Yao remind of her own life.
最佳動畫片獎 Best Animation
《一如往常》 As Usual
劉冠汶 LIU Kuan Wen
臺灣 Taiwan│2018│動畫 Ani│7min
臺灣 Taiwan│2018│動畫 Ani│7min
The temple and the market coexist in a particular place with the harmony of sacred religion and daily life, the story talks about how people and cats live here together for one day.
The place plays the major role, the sound and the shadow drive the whole plots of the story. Through the try to make the new type of the animation.
The temple and the market coexist in a particular place with the harmony of sacred religion and daily life, the story talks about how people and cats live here together for one day.
The place plays the major role, the sound and the shadow drive the whole plots of the story. Through the try to make the new type of the animation.
最佳實驗片獎 Best Experimental
《慢遞 1958》 1958 Delivery
葉奕蕾 Elysa WENDI
香港、新加坡 Hong Kong, Singapore|2017|實驗 Exp|15min
香港、新加坡 Hong Kong, Singapore|2017|實驗 Exp|15min
The journey of a funeral flowers delivery man searching for an address, travelling across Sheung Wan from Hollywood Road to Tai Ping Shan Street, caught between moment of condolences, the past and the ever changing landscapes. This film is inspired by Nagano Shigeichi’s photographic book, Hong Kong Reminiscence 1958 and re-imagined further of hidden stories of trapped souls in old houses destined for demolition.
The journey of a funeral flowers delivery man searching for an address, travelling across Sheung Wan from Hollywood Road to Tai Ping Shan Street, caught between moment of condolences, the past and the ever changing landscapes. This film is inspired by Nagano Shigeichi’s photographic book, Hong Kong Reminiscence 1958 and re-imagined further of hidden stories of trapped souls in old houses destined for demolition.
南方新人獎 Rookie of the Year
《那天,大海是橙色的。》 When Grandma Turns Orange
何思蔚 HO Sze Wai
香港Hong Kong│2018│劇情 Fic│36min
香港Hong Kong│2018│劇情 Fic│36min
It was an unbelievable experience to direct my grandma and cousin, the two main characters, in the story about myself on-site. To reconstruct the scenes from my memory was like ticking back the clock, together my grandma and I went through all the thick and thins all over again. Everything was so magical, even if it is only a 30-minute long reminiscence.
It was an unbelievable experience to direct my grandma and cousin, the two main characters, in the story about myself on-site. To reconstruct the scenes from my memory was like ticking back the clock, together my grandma and I went through all the thick and thins all over again. Everything was so magical, even if it is only a 30-minute long reminiscence.
人權關懷獎 Human Rights Award
《牧者》The Shepherds
盧盈良 Elvis LU
臺灣 Taiwan│2017│紀錄 Doc│70min
臺灣 Taiwan│2017│紀錄 Doc│70min
1996年五月,一位異性戀女牧師不顧廣大社會的譴責與撻伐,創立了台灣第一間同志教會,讓長久以來,不見容於教會之中的同志基督徒,有了安身立命之處;如今,開創者已辭世,他們依舊在信仰的衝突中掙扎,然而傳統基督教派也因台灣同志婚姻平權法案的推動,反同聲浪日趨激烈外顯;因此,他們決定發出自己的聲音,即使付出代價,還是努力的想用生命影響生命,期盼有一天… 能讓愛化消對立與誤解。
Defiant towards massive condemnation and denunciation in the society, a heterosexual female pastor founded Taiwan’s first LGBT-affirming church in May 1996. For LGBT Christians, who had been rejected by the Christian community for a long time, this church finally provided them with a safe haven. Today, while the founder has passed away, the church members continue to make their voice heard. They struggle in the conflicts of the religion and confront the unjust social institution at the same time. Despite the price paid, they strive to make a difference in others’ lives with their own life stories, hoping that one day… love will eventually eliminate hostility and misunderstanding.
Defiant towards massive condemnation and denunciation in the society, a heterosexual female pastor founded Taiwan’s first LGBT-affirming church in May 1996. For LGBT Christians, who had been rejected by the Christian community for a long time, this church finally provided them with a safe haven. Today, while the founder has passed away, the church members continue to make their voice heard. They struggle in the conflicts of the religion and confront the unjust social institution at the same time. Despite the price paid, they strive to make a difference in others’ lives with their own life stories, hoping that one day… love will eventually eliminate hostility and misunderstanding.
評審團特別獎 Jury Prize
《地厚天高》 Lost in the Fumes
林子穎 Lam Tze Wing Nora
香港 Hong Kong│2017│紀錄 Doc│97min
香港 Hong Kong│2017│紀錄 Doc│97min
Edward Leung was an average student before he unexpectedly finds himself at the focal point of two Legislative Council elections. While winning over 60,000 votes in the By-election would have guaranteed Edward a seat in the next round, his ticket to LegCo is forfeited when the regime imposes extra measures in the nomination process. Having once claimed that’be it crawling or creeping in, I will become a councillor’, he can now only take the sidelines and put the backup Baggio Leung into the race. On the other hand, Edward finds his free days numbered as he faces three counts of rioting charges for taking part in the Mong Kok Protest. Once an eloquent rising star in politics, now he may as well be a doomed prisoner. As the oath-taking controversy and the disqualification saga unfold, Edward retreats from the spotlight and decides to leave for further study in the United States while chaos continues to reign over Hong Kong politics.
《當 一個人》 Where Am I Going?
黃勻弦 HUANG Yun Sian、蔡易錦 TSAI Yi Chin
臺灣 Taiwan│2018│動畫 Ani│15min
臺灣 Taiwan│2018│動畫 Ani│15min
你是否曾好奇一個被家庭和社會無視的老人如何開始每一天?老人踩著賴以維生的腳踏車外出修理紗窗,經過繁華的街道、新興的大樓以及黃昏市場和身心依託的天后宮廟口。這個時代有甚麼樣的風景、氣味、聲音包圍著他? 老人一生的苦樂悲喜能否在這一天歸於自然平靜?
Have you ever been curious about how an old man, who is ignored by family and society, starts his each day?
The old man goes to mend window screen by his bike. He passes through busy streets, buildings under construction, an evening market and finally the MAZU Temple.
In such an era, what kinds of scenery, smells and sounds surround him?
Could all the ups and downs of his life attribute to calms on this day?
Have you ever been curious about how an old man, who is ignored by family and society, starts his each day?
The old man goes to mend window screen by his bike. He passes through busy streets, buildings under construction, an evening market and finally the MAZU Temple.
In such an era, what kinds of scenery, smells and sounds surround him?
Could all the ups and downs of his life attribute to calms on this day?
2018 南方獎-全球華人影片競賽入圍名單
South Award Nomination
South Award Nomination
劇情長片 Feature Length Fiction
《自由行》A Family Tour
應亮 YING Liang / 臺灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞 Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia
《強大的我》The Mighty Bobita
莊景燊 CHUANG Ching Shen、王莉雯 WANG Li Wen / 臺灣 Taiwan
《中英街1號》No. 1 Chung Ying Street
趙崇基 Derek CHIU / 香港 Hong Kong
應亮 YING Liang / 臺灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞 Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia
《強大的我》The Mighty Bobita
莊景燊 CHUANG Ching Shen、王莉雯 WANG Li Wen / 臺灣 Taiwan
《中英街1號》No. 1 Chung Ying Street
趙崇基 Derek CHIU / 香港 Hong Kong
劇情短片 Fiction short
《母親的樂園》Mother Eden
王爾卓 WANG Er Zhuo / 中國 China
《黑哥》Where are We Going?
林森 Lam Sum / 香港 Hong Kong
林麗娟 Charlotte LIM / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
《媽媽的口供》I Have Nothing to Say
應亮 YING Liang / 臺灣、香港 Taiwan, Hong Kong
《四不像新村》Kampung Tapir
歐詩偉 AW See Wee / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
藍憶慈 LAN Yi Tzu / 臺灣 Taiwan
《阿鳳》One Way Ticket
梁永豪 Thomas LEUNG Wing-ho / 香港 Hong Kong
《華江閣樓》Huajiang Girls
劉岳銘 LIU Yueh Ming / 臺灣 Taiwan
《那天,大海是橙色的。》When Grandma Turns Orange
何思蔚 HO Sze Wai / 香港 Hong Kong
《運轉法則》A Monk and his Mother
蔡恕爾 TSAI Shu Erh / 臺灣 Taiwan
《春之夢》A Dream of Spring
曹仕翰 TSAO Shih Han / 臺灣 Taiwan
王爾卓 WANG Er Zhuo / 中國 China
《黑哥》Where are We Going?
林森 Lam Sum / 香港 Hong Kong
林麗娟 Charlotte LIM / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
《媽媽的口供》I Have Nothing to Say
應亮 YING Liang / 臺灣、香港 Taiwan, Hong Kong
《四不像新村》Kampung Tapir
歐詩偉 AW See Wee / 馬來西亞 Malaysia
藍憶慈 LAN Yi Tzu / 臺灣 Taiwan
《阿鳳》One Way Ticket
梁永豪 Thomas LEUNG Wing-ho / 香港 Hong Kong
《華江閣樓》Huajiang Girls
劉岳銘 LIU Yueh Ming / 臺灣 Taiwan
《那天,大海是橙色的。》When Grandma Turns Orange
何思蔚 HO Sze Wai / 香港 Hong Kong
《運轉法則》A Monk and his Mother
蔡恕爾 TSAI Shu Erh / 臺灣 Taiwan
《春之夢》A Dream of Spring
曹仕翰 TSAO Shih Han / 臺灣 Taiwan
紀錄片 Documentary
《自画像:47公里斯芬克斯》Self-Portrait: Sphinx in 47 KM
章夢奇 ZHANG Mengqi / 中國 China
《街頭》The Edge of Night
江偉華 CHIANG Wei Hua / 臺灣 Taiwan
《地厚天高》Lost in the Fumes
林子穎 Lam Tze Wing Nora / 香港 Hong Kong
《風從哪裡來》The Scenery Through the Smog
施合峰 SHIH Ho Feng / 臺灣 Taiwan
《泛泛》Rose and Bee
黃智德 HUANG Zhi De / 臺灣 Taiwan
《一次網絡視頻管理》Block and Censor
陳阿煒 CHEN Ah Wei / 中國 China
《土制沒藥》Healing Balm
張蘋 ZHANG Ping / 中國 China
章夢奇 ZHANG Mengqi / 中國 China
《街頭》The Edge of Night
江偉華 CHIANG Wei Hua / 臺灣 Taiwan
《地厚天高》Lost in the Fumes
林子穎 Lam Tze Wing Nora / 香港 Hong Kong
《風從哪裡來》The Scenery Through the Smog
施合峰 SHIH Ho Feng / 臺灣 Taiwan
《泛泛》Rose and Bee
黃智德 HUANG Zhi De / 臺灣 Taiwan
《一次網絡視頻管理》Block and Censor
陳阿煒 CHEN Ah Wei / 中國 China
《土制沒藥》Healing Balm
張蘋 ZHANG Ping / 中國 China
實驗片 Experimental
《銜尾蛇》The Yellow Snake is Waiting
林子桓 LIN Tzu Huan / 臺灣 Taiwan
《景外書》Letter to the Outsider
張紫茵 Dorothy CHEUNG / 香港、荷蘭 Hong Kong, Netherlands
《在野》In the Wild
許雅舒 Rita Nga Shu HUI / 香港 Hong Kong
《慢遞 1958》1958 Delivery
葉奕蕾 Elysa WENDI / 香港、新加坡 Hong Kong, Singapore
《深入,閱讀》Deep Reading
葉澈 YEH Che / 臺灣 Taiwan
《房間》A Room without Myself
陳薇敏 CHAN Wei Bing / 臺灣 Taiwan
蘇育賢 SU Yu Hsien、廖修慧 LIAO Hsiu Hui / 臺灣 Taiwan
《拐人2:公有領域》Abduction 2: Public Domain
譚嘉灝 TAN Jia Hao / 中國 China
林子桓 LIN Tzu Huan / 臺灣 Taiwan
《景外書》Letter to the Outsider
張紫茵 Dorothy CHEUNG / 香港、荷蘭 Hong Kong, Netherlands
《在野》In the Wild
許雅舒 Rita Nga Shu HUI / 香港 Hong Kong
《慢遞 1958》1958 Delivery
葉奕蕾 Elysa WENDI / 香港、新加坡 Hong Kong, Singapore
《深入,閱讀》Deep Reading
葉澈 YEH Che / 臺灣 Taiwan
《房間》A Room without Myself
陳薇敏 CHAN Wei Bing / 臺灣 Taiwan
蘇育賢 SU Yu Hsien、廖修慧 LIAO Hsiu Hui / 臺灣 Taiwan
《拐人2:公有領域》Abduction 2: Public Domain
譚嘉灝 TAN Jia Hao / 中國 China
動畫片 Animation
沈安琪 SHEN Anchi / 美國 U.S.A.
張郡庭 CHANG Chun Ting / 臺灣 Taiwan
林青萱 LIN Ching Hsuan / 臺灣 Taiwan
《一如往常》As Usual
劉冠汶 LIU Kuan Wen / 臺灣 Taiwan
《小明米巴漂浮漂浮》Float! Amoeba, Float!
陳常青 CHEN Chang Ching / 臺灣 Taiwan
《阿公》A Gong
鄭煥宙 JHEN Zozo、劉晏呈 LIU Yen Chen、陳嘉言 Ellis Kayin CHAN、Marine VARGUY、Tena GALOVIC / 法國 French
《一毛所有》Kin's Hair
陳冠聰 CHAN Kwun Chung / 香港 Hong Kong
《當 一個人》Where Am I Going?
黃勻弦 HUANG Yun Sian、蔡易錦 TSAI Yi Chin / 臺灣 Taiwan
《不能帶你走》I Can't Bring You Away
林立偉 LIN Li Wei / 臺灣 Taiwan
《搬家日》A Moving Day
梁雅雯 LIANG Ya Wen / 臺灣 Taiwan
《暑假最後一天》The Last Day of Summer
周子羣 CHOU Tzu Chun、葉信萱 YEH Hsin Hsuan、陳姿穎 CHEN Tzu Ying / 臺灣 Taiwan
《我們的月亮》Our Moon
楊子霆 YANG Tzu Ting / 臺灣 Taiwan
沈安琪 SHEN Anchi / 美國 U.S.A.
張郡庭 CHANG Chun Ting / 臺灣 Taiwan
林青萱 LIN Ching Hsuan / 臺灣 Taiwan
《一如往常》As Usual
劉冠汶 LIU Kuan Wen / 臺灣 Taiwan
《小明米巴漂浮漂浮》Float! Amoeba, Float!
陳常青 CHEN Chang Ching / 臺灣 Taiwan
《阿公》A Gong
鄭煥宙 JHEN Zozo、劉晏呈 LIU Yen Chen、陳嘉言 Ellis Kayin CHAN、Marine VARGUY、Tena GALOVIC / 法國 French
《一毛所有》Kin's Hair
陳冠聰 CHAN Kwun Chung / 香港 Hong Kong
《當 一個人》Where Am I Going?
黃勻弦 HUANG Yun Sian、蔡易錦 TSAI Yi Chin / 臺灣 Taiwan
《不能帶你走》I Can't Bring You Away
林立偉 LIN Li Wei / 臺灣 Taiwan
《搬家日》A Moving Day
梁雅雯 LIANG Ya Wen / 臺灣 Taiwan
《暑假最後一天》The Last Day of Summer
周子羣 CHOU Tzu Chun、葉信萱 YEH Hsin Hsuan、陳姿穎 CHEN Tzu Ying / 臺灣 Taiwan
《我們的月亮》Our Moon
楊子霆 YANG Tzu Ting / 臺灣 Taiwan
人權關懷獎 Human Rights Award
《牧者》The Shepherds
盧盈良 Elvis LU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《街頭》The Edge of Night
江偉華 CHIANG Wei Hua / 臺灣 Taiwan
《離岸》The Offshore
林家安 LIN Chia An / 臺灣 Taiwan
《中英街1號》No. 1 Chung Ying Street
趙崇基 Derek CHIU / 香港 Hong Kong
盧盈良 Elvis LU / 臺灣 Taiwan
《街頭》The Edge of Night
江偉華 CHIANG Wei Hua / 臺灣 Taiwan
《離岸》The Offshore
林家安 LIN Chia An / 臺灣 Taiwan
《中英街1號》No. 1 Chung Ying Street
趙崇基 Derek CHIU / 香港 Hong Kong
評審名單 (初審評審各類由一位外聘評審與南方影展策展人組成)
市民:黃佳祥 、曾定璿、曾靖雯、劉嘉圭
市民:黃佳祥 、曾定璿、曾靖雯、劉嘉圭